Your search for “Carl Ross” found 14 results.
1. Fighters (1991) Credits - Ron Peck the full credits of the film Fighters by Ron Peck. UK, 1991, 100 minutes, Colour & B&W. Crew and Cast. You can also access archival material relating to the film and order a live stream or DVD.
2. > CREDITS I was riveted to my seat. — CHARLIE MAGRI FIGHTERS UK, 1991 100 minutes Colour & B&W CREW Writer, Director Ron Peck Producer Mark Ayres Lighting Camera Carl Ros...
3. FIGHTERS (1991) Images - Ron Peck up for free to view images including film stills and production shots of the film Fighters by Ron Peck. We will also send you updates when more material is available on this site and let you know about screenings & exhibitions.
4. > IMAGES PHOTO GALLERY (B & W) Set-1 – Introduction Jeff Ayres was the professional photographer engaged to take stills for the film. Several days were spent in a studio at t...
5. REAL MONEY (1995) Images - Ron Peck up for free to view images including film stills and production shots of the film Real Money by Ron Peck. We will also send you updates when more material is available on this site and let you know about screenings & exhibitions.
6. MONEY > IMAGES PRODUCTION STILLS Our budget on Real Money didn’t stretch to having a stills photographer on hand for every day of the shoot. In fact we engaged photographer Hug...
7. REAL MONEY (1995) Credits - Ron Peck the full credits of the film Real Money by Ron Peck. UK, 1995, 75 minutes, Colour. Crew and Cast. You can also access archival material relating to the film and order a live stream or DVD.
8. MONEY > CREDITS Took my breath away. I thought… Is this real? Is this acting? — C4 VIEWER REAL MONEY UK, 1995 75 minutes Colour CREW Director Ron Peck Prod...
9. Fighters (1991) Intro - Ron Peck transmitted in September 1992, Fighters was written and directed by Ron Peck and produced by Mark Ayres through their company Team Pictures Productions, based in Mile End. Read more.
10. > INTRO INTRODUCTION Fighters was completed in 1991 for Channel 4 Television. It was commissioned by Alan Fountain for the Independent Film & Television slot and the brief was &lsq...
11. REAL MONEY (1995) Intro - Ron Peck was boxer Bradley Stone who suggested the idea that ultimately became Real Money, a drama showing the more desperate and criminal side, which forever held out temptations to the boxer struggling to make a living in the sport. Read more.
12. MONEY > INTRO INTRODUCTION It was boxer Bradley Stone who suggested the idea that ultimately became Real Money when, soon after making Fighters , he said there was another side to li...
13. FIGHTERS (1991) Rushes - Ron Peck are everything and anything you shoot for a film, the raw material produced before anything is edited out of it. Sign up for free to view the rushes. We will also send you updates when more material is available on this site and let you know about screenings & exhibitions.
14. > RUSHES INTRODUCTION Rushes are everything and anything you shoot for a film, the raw material produced before anything is edited out of it. For a documentary, which often tends to be...